Enterprise Architecture

Using Enterprise Architecture (EA) patterns, practices, and frameworks, we can architect your system to function securely within your on-premise or cloud environment and help you create enterprise standards to pattern your software systems after. EA standards equip you with industry best practices for software development that help you to develop secure and compliant applications. Using repeatable architectures provides consistent stability and security while delivering the expectations of quality and reliablitiy that your customers expect from you.


for enterprise capacity

Planning is a critical phase in EA development. This is where we help you to identify key areas and core principals that are unique to your organizations. We establish clearly defined objectives that outline the foundations for your architecture.

We thoroughly assess and analyze your systems beforehand to determine what attacks and exploits your software is most vulnerable to. Using this information, we develop real-world scenerios that would likely causes your systems to crash or lose precious data.


for security and stability

Once your plan is established, the architecture can be designed. By identifying and using established patterns for infrastructure, network, and application development, your architectural patterns will emerge. These will become your EA standards.

We will work with you through guidance and governance to help you identify the EA standards that best fit your organization and business model. At this stage, we will begin to identify models that will then be developed to your standards. This becomes your Lab.


for continuous operation

Once your models are developed, your Lab environment begins to form. We then quickly help you get your internal staff up-to-speed on development and implementation using your models. Your Lab becomes a crucial part of your EA practices.

Your Lab will be the starting point for all technical modeling, development, and implementations. Your infrastructure, networks, and applications can be based off these models. Your requirements feed the models, which then feed your systems, and become EA compliant.