Application Development

The application layer is the #1 attack surface for hackers and today's web applications are a prime target. We adopt a Security First approach to application development using the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC) as the basis for developing any software for clients. Our SSDLC process begins at inception where security is the top priority. We adopt principles from enterprise frameworks and methodologies to create application architectures from these standards that satisfy your requirements for application development.


with security first

The SSDLC begins here with a data model. Your data is the main target for hackers, and your level of risk is based on the type and sensitivity of data handled by your applications. We start with threat modeling and indentify attack vectors designed to breach and expose your data.

It is also at this phase where security practices are defined from your enterprise architecture standards. We help you define the frequency, duration, and depth of security testing to take place at all phases of SSDLC application development.


with proven architectures

It is critial for your application to be able to withstand malice. It is crucial to understand that your application should be poked, prodded, scanned, and tested on a regular basis with malicious intent while operating smoothly for your customers. This is key to operational success.

During development we use a combination of manual and automated security testing prior to code commits using SAST, DAST, and many open source tools. The code must pass all security checks before it can be published for testing.


with a vengeance

Once your code is deployed, it is ready for aggressive security testing. We utilize many testing sources individually and alongside the application during normal use. At the same time your users are performing QA testing, we will run multiple red team test scenarios and attacks.

Penetration and Red Team testing are aggressively performed here. Malicious load testing is also carried out during this stage and IAST code log results are then fed back into the development cycle to model new threat vectors and defenses.